Healthy Food Habits
Dreaming about losing weight or staying fit will definitely not materialize if you don't take steps towards adopting a healthy lifestyle and nutritional intake of food. Benefits of a healthy diet are known by the larger mass, however, it is seen, that several youngsters indulge in fast food diet on a daily basis. This has bad repercussions on the child's health. Hence, necessary steps need to be seriously espoused by the concerned parents.
Food that provides health benefits : Consuming healthy food is a prerequisite because that forms the basis of all the immunity related problems or solutions. A healthy diet leads to a healthy immune system which in turn affects an individual's capacity to fight diseases. Certain foods have been identified to be extremely beneficial as per the industry standards all across the globe. Here are lists of such food items which are considered not only safe but beneficial in the long run.
Fruits :1) Raspberries | 2) Avocados | 3) Apricots | 4) Cranberry Juice |
5) Tomato and Lime | 6) Raisins | 7) Figs | 8) Lemons |
Vegetables :
1) Onions | 2) Ginger | 3) Broccoli | 4) Spinach |
5) Garlic | 6) Squash | 7) Carrots |
Food that can be harmful to health : Due to gradual advancement in technology, processing of food has become artificial to some extent. Food is manufactured, processed or genetically re-engineered. This reduces the nutritional quality of the food and makes it harmful in the long run. Names of certain foods which do affect our health are consumed by us on a daily basis. However, their intake needs to be minimal to reduce the effect of damage.
- Salt : Table salt, sodium chloride, is toxic for the body and causes the body to retain fluid. High intake of salt thickens and stiffens arteries thus increasing risk of strokes and cardiac failures
- Sugar : Refined sugar is bad for health as it is depleted of its minerals and vitamins
- White Flour : All the good substances, bran and germ, are removed from flour during processing. Then it is bleached with a deadly chemical called "alloxan”. This compound destroys the beta-cells of the pancreas, leading to type-2 diabetes
- Vegetable Oils : Converting vegetable oil into cooking oil requires heavy refining and processing thus rendering them highly toxic and harmful for the body
- Pasteurized Milk : Weakens the immune system leading to allergies
Healthy eating habits during monsoons : Monsoons bring in a fresh aura to the atmosphere, but during monsoons the body's immunity suffers a beating and makes us susceptible to various diseases. It becomes extremely necessary to incorporate preventive measures in our daily lifestyle, especially in our eating habits. The maladies associated with monsoon are common cold and cough, fungal infections, gastrointestinal disruptions, diarrhea. Selection of diet will affect immunity as well as fulfill body's energy requirement for exercising. Here are a few tips on what to eat and what to avoid during monsoons.
Tips for a healthy monsoon diet : Staying fit and energetic for fighting off viruses is a serious necessity during monsoons. Virus attacks can occur from any source, but the most important resource which might cause un-called illnesses is food. Diet apart from being well-balanced also needs to be chosen carefully during the rainy season.
- Raw vegetables need to be washed properly and boiled to take out any germ, worms or mud. This applies specially for spinach, cabbage, cauliflower etc
- Home cooked and hot food is the better option
- Only fresh and odorless vegetables need to be